"My name is Radja" offers an insightful compilation drawn from thousands of actual event testimonies that have occurred throughout Ifigeneia's years of practice as a gifted animal communicator. The stories herein, gave birth to an ambassador horse, becoming the voice for his entire species and finally to be heard. As Radja asks to be understood, language barriers begin to fall away, revealing the benevolent sensitivity and innocence that comprises Radja's perception of his world. Immersed in Radja's mind, not only opens the reader’s path to a better understanding of equine communication, but reconnects us to our core instinct, and inevitably towards the path of something much greater: to live in a perfectly balanced world, where every being can live in harmony and peace.
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IVI HEALING Julian & Genny est une marque française incontournable dans le domaine du bien-être et de la santé animale au naturel. IVI HEALING Julian & Genny propose actuellement des consultations de magnétisme curatif, et des séances complètes incluant la communication animale, la naturopathie, le magnétisme curatif et l'alimentation holistique. IVI HEALING Julian & Genny sponsorise dorénavant des acteurs du bien-être animal et de la santé au naturel. Leur Boutique en ligne "IVI HEALING Boutique" permet la promotion d'ouvrages et de produits tournés vers le bien être et la santé animale au naturel.
SKU : wq5ev
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